
The Navigator allows you to step, seek, and search Packets in the Program Stream.


The Navigate dialog is broken into four sections.

The first is PES Filters.  These are applied when Advancing forward or backward between Packet's.  The PES Filters will not be applied when stepping at the Pack layer.  The PES Filters are:

Stream ID
A drop down list of available PES-ID's for the stream.  When Advancing, only these PES-ID fields will be considered.  If this filter is set to Any, no filter is applied.
A toggle button that, when selected, will limit Advance to only those PES Packets that have a PTS value
A toggle button that, when selected, will limit Advance to only those PES Packets that have a DTS value

The second section lists the Pack/Packet information as parsed from the Program Stream.

The third section allows the user to Advance forward or backward in the stream.  The left/right buttons next to Pack move to the former or previous Pack.  The left/right buttons next to Packet move to the former or previous Packet which meets the criteria in the PES Filters section (if any).

The fourth section allows the user to Jump to a specific location in the stream.  There are three jump buttons for each of the three seek methods.  The user should select the button beneath the method he wants to apply.

Packet #
Jump to a specific Packet Number.
Jump to a specific PTS value or the closest approximation.
Jump to a specific DTS value or the closest approximation.