PCR Analysis

The PCR Analysis displays the PCR characteristics of all PCR PID streams in the transport.

Before beginning the analysis, you must set some graphing parameter

PCR Input

Data Rate (bits/sec)
Transport stream bitrate.  Modify this accordingly
Upper Graph Threshold
Upper graphing PCR interval (in milliseconds)
Lower Graph Threshold
Lower graphing PCR interval (in millisecons)

The line graph displays the interval (in msec) between consecutive PCR fields.  In the control panel, the first button will increase the analysis speed, the second button will decrease analysis speed, and the third button will toggle the analysis between run/pause.

In addition, there is a list box below the graph which displays the following information

PID of the stream containing the PCR
Time (secs)
Transport stream time (based on the PCR)
Avg Jitter
The average jitter (in milliseconds) between consecutive PCRs
Max Jitter
The maximum jitter (in milliseconds) between consecutive PCRs
Max Jitter Packet
The PCR packet number associated with 'Max Jitter' column
Avg Interval
The average interval (in milliseconds) between consecutive PCRs
PCR Drift
The drift (in milliseconds) from the first PCR.  This drift is calculated as PCR(n) - PCR(0)