Mpeg dump reads an MPEG-1 system stream or MPEG-2 program stream and prints the pack and packet header information to standard out.


view_knot_dump [mpeg_file_name] {[print_pack_count] [extract_streams] [cl-lisp]}

print_pack_count - Upon completion the program will print the total number of packs parsed

extract_streams - The program will extract the elementary streams (e.g. audio and video) to separate files. The files will be named [stream_id].mpeg. For example, the first video stream will be called 0xe0.mpeg.

cl_lisp - The program will create a Lisp program containing the MPEG file data. This program can then be loaded into a Lisp environment and examined in that interactive environment. I use CLisp but if you use another Lisp let me know (either to fix problems for that environment or to document it as supported). The "lisp" subdirectory contains some samples of what can be done with the data. As always, if you add some new interesting feature/code here please notify me so I can include it in future distributions.