Febuary 17, 2006

  1. What are these tools and how are they used?
  2. What about other, non-Systems layer testing like video?
  3. What about ports to other platforms?
  4. How do I get feature YYY added?

What are these tools, and how are they used?

The tools are targeted at System's layer analysis of MPEG streams.  For the most part they operate on MPEG files, verifying their conformance to the MPEG standard and allowing one to view some of the files characteristics.  The Transport Stream module, VK-TAFE, also allows one to stream a bitstream to the analyzer for continous monitoring.

What about other, non-Systems layer, testing like video?

I may add some elementary stream (e.g. Video) testing tools if time permits; however, I don't have any specific plans or time table to do so.

What about ports to other platforms?

I really don't have much interest in porting the software to a variety of platforms.  I have, however, done the following:

How do I get feature YYY added?

Send them to me